
$BITU, a native stablecoin backed by mainstream crypto assets, aims to strike a perfect balance by addressing the advantages and disadvantages of existing stablecoins in the market.

In addition to ensuring price stability, BitU also offers Embedded Yield. Unlike $USDT or $USDC, where the underlying asset yields, such as those from USD or government bonds, are taken by the issuer, users holding $USDT do not receive any share of these profits.

BitU solves this problem by ensuring that the value of the collateral always exceeds the circulating value of $BITU in the market, thereby stabilizing the price of $BITU at the peg price.

Additionally, leveraging the ALMM, BitU Protocol maximizes the capital efficiency of collateral assets while generating profits in a secure manner, which are then returned to the users.

Users can mint BitU stablecoins by calling the minting contract, and the provided collateral will be securely held by a third-party licensed custodian and mirrored into the exchanges. Apart from the original users, no one can access these assets. The mapped collateral are then used for two main purposes:

  • Borrowing/lending

  • Market-neutral investment strategies

Neither of these activities will affect the principal in any way. Based on this, ALMM aims to maximize profits, which are ultimately minted into new $BITU and distributed to $sBITU holders.In terms of stability, BitU ensures the safety of user assets by storing them in trusted custodial institutions. Additionally, ALMM provides sufficient liquidity for $BITU in the market and ensures smooth minting and redemption processes.

Regarding censorship resistance, anyone can use $BITU, and it does not require users to have a bank account or undergo identity verification. BitU aims to enable everyone to enjoy inclusive access to Web3 financial services.

Last updated