💧BitU Liquidity

The secure, stable, and capital efficient stablecoin

$BITU is an overcollateralized USD-pegged stablecoin backed by BTC and other permitted assets. BitU Protocol maintains the stability of the $BITU peg by ensuring that the value of collateral assets consistently surpasses the circulating supply of $BITU in the market, thereby stabilizing the price of $BITU at the peg price.

Currently, the BitU ecosystem implements a whitelist system in order to mint the $BITU stablecoin. Users who wish to mint $BITU must apply to the BitU team and undergo whitelist verification. However, holding and staking $BITU is always permissionless and accessible to everyone.

$BITU holders can stake to receive $sBITU and earn real yield, provide liquidity on decentralized exchanges, or deposit into the omni-trading hub to access diverse assets across numerous markets from a single unified experience.

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